Ethio Telecom launches Modular Information Center in a Bid to Streamline Digital Network

In their pursuit to streamline network infrastructure and information technology, Ethio Telecom has launched their Modular Information Center.

The center is designed to provide all information technology and network infrastructure to the company and is currently equipped with a Mobile Money system and Next Generation Business Support System. It is equipped with state-of-the-art electrical systems, cooling systems, and security cameras, as well as state-of-the-art network and fiber cable enclosures and components.

In addition, the data center will be expanded to meet the needs of future Value Added Service, Contact Center, and OSS systems, and the project will have its own emergency backup.

Ethio Telecom’s press release stated, “It is well known that our company provides services to millions of telecom customers through its extensive infrastructure to make telecom services accessible. In connection with this, it has today launched a modular data center, which will significantly reduce energy consumption, expand easily the following demand and allow for faster system installation.” 

“The company has been working hard to make its data center up to international standards, and with the completion of these works, a standard data center has been built to replace the existing data center,” the press release further stated.

The data center is equipped with data center collocation for companies that want to provide a variety of technology products and services in a short period of time. In addition, the data center is a growing private and public institution in our country

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