Macra D.G. Daud Suleman Advocates Strategies to Bridge Malawi’s Digital Divide

Daud Elvin Suleman urges affordable devices, expanded electricity, lower data costs, and monetized social media for inclusion.

During the 3rd series of National Youth Conversations, Macra Director General Daud Elvin Suleman delivered a powerful keynote speech addressing the digital divide in Malawi. Suleman highlighted four key recommendations to bridge the gap.

First, he emphasized the need to reduce the prices of mobile devices, making them more affordable for the average Malawian. He also stressed the importance of connecting more Malawians to the electrical grid, as access to electricity is crucial for digital connectivity.

Suleman further called for strides in reducing internet data costs, ensuring that more people can afford to stay connected. Finally, he advocated for the monetization of social media accounts, providing opportunities for young people to generate income through online platforms.

These recommendations reflect a comprehensive approach to enhancing digital inclusion in Malawi, addressing both accessibility and economic opportunities in the digital space.

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