Vodafone Egypt has announced its first-place ranking in the latest network performance measurement reports by independent benchmarking organization Umlaut. The reports cover the network performance for 6 months from Nov 2023 till April 2024. For mobile network performance, the measurements were based on more than 2 billion crowd-sourcing samples collected from 353 thousand mobile users, for Fixed Broadband more than 80 million samples were collected from nearly 156 thousand lines.
Vodafone Mobile Network was awarded Best in Test for its mobile network, scoring 708 points out of a maximum of 1000. It also achieved the top scores for Best Mobile Broadband Coverage and Best Mobile Download Speed. Meanwhile, Vodafone Fixed Network was recognized as the Best in Test for fixed broadband, scoring 404 points out of 1000 and securing the best score for latency.
Umlaut is globally recognized for its benchmarking reports based on crowd-sourced samples, assessing aspects such as speed, latency, and consumer experience across more than 200 networks and 120+ countries. Umlaut’s rigorous evaluation employs a crowdsourcing method to gather data that accurately reflects the end-user experience.
The Umlaut score delivers a robust scale to assess network quality and performance.
These results came in line with Vodafone Egypt’s strategy to place the customer at the forefront of its priorities and to provide them with the best network coverage. The company has always been keen to provide an exceptional telecommunications experience that ensures reliable connectivity anywhere anytime.
To achieve this standard of excellence, Vodafone Egypt pays paramount attention to investing in its network infrastructure, as a key strategic objective, to deliver high-quality services and maintain being a trusted network to its customers nationwide.