The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has established a Council Committee to determine the impact of the current state of load-shedding on the electronic communications, broadcasting, and postal services sectors.
On 5 April 2023, the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) terminated the National State of Disaster on the Impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraints. Consequently, all Regulations and Directions made in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002, pursuant to the declaration of the National State of Disaster, were repealed with immediate effect.
Following the decision by the Minister of COGTA to terminate the National State of Disaster, the Authority has resolved to establish a Council Committee to lead the assessment of the effects of ongoing disruptions to electricity supply on the ICT sector.
The establishment of the Committee follows the outcomes of a virtual consultation workshop that the Authority undertook in response to the declaration of the National State of Disaster, which highlighted several concerns from the stakeholders.
The Committee will work closely with the affected stakeholders in the industry and identify potential regulatory interventions that fall within the Authority’s purview.
The Authority believes that workable solutions can be identified through collaboration with relevant stakeholders to ameliorate the impact of load-shedding on the ICT sector, the economy and on the people of the country.
Through the establishment of this Committee, the Authority looks forward to working with Government, the sector and industry stakeholders to find practical solutions to mitigate the impact of load-shedding on the ICT sector.
Councillor Yolisa Kedama, Acting Chairperson, ICASA
Once the Authority has finalised its internal consideration of the scope of its regulatory process in response to the electricity crisis, a communique/notice will be published on the Authority’s website.