Angolan Govt. to Invest $89Million in a National Cloud Project

The Angolan Government has announced that they are going to be investing US$89 Million towards the implementation of a new National Cloud Project.

In a recent announcement, the Angolan government disclosed that they are going to be investing US$89 Million towards the implementation of the infrastructure of the National Cloud of Angola (Cloud).

What we want to do with the construction of this infrastructure is to reduce the number of queues in obtaining electronic services from the Government of Angola, eliminate the limitations that have existed in obtaining services in the registration of public tenders, for example.

We want to reduce it as much as possible, removing almost complete dependence on an Internet signal to provide the electronic public service. What is assumed is to create this private network of the State, interconnect ministerial departments to the ‘data center’ of the Government and by this way have this private network completely separated from the Internet service.

André Pedro, Director General, National Institute for the Promotion of the Information Society (Infosi)

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