The Government of Kenya has disclosed that the ICT Authority has launched free public Wifi in Nairobi County’s Muthurwa area in Wakulima Market.
My ministry is committed to providing e-government services and software solutions to the people’s abiding needs. We are going to move from one corner of the country to the other, not only ensuring that our proposed extra 100,000 km of fibre optic cable are being laid out, but also that we are enabling Kenyans to access the superhighway through Government funded hotspots. The success of the recently launched Hustler Fund, for example, depends heavily on functional digital technology, everywhere in the country. My ministry is, accordingly, is focused on availing this technology to every Kenyan, regardless of where they may be in the country.
HonEliud Owalo, Cabinet Secretary for ICT & the Digital Economy, Kenya
So far 1,650 key public institutions and offices have been connected. In Nairobi, the ICT Authority has implemented Government Core Central Network intended to serve as a shared and secure service that seeks to improve exchange of information across Government institutions. The ICT Authority also has plans to install (25,000) internet hotspots in business centres, rural areas and other public spaces. We believe that this will go a long way enabling local business tap into the opportunities presented by the internet. We shall also be embarking digital skills trainings and internet security awareness to ensure that individuals and small businesses effectively but also securely utilize the internet connectivity facility.
Through this initiative, we shall also enhance internet access in the unserved and underserved areas as well as disadvantaged groups thus reduce digital divide, enhance equity and fairness.
Stanley Kamanguya, CEO, ICT Authority