Mickey Mashale, CEO of Vodacom’s Subsidiary Nexio Resigns

Mickey Mashale, the CEO of Vodacom’s subsidiary, Nexio has announced her resgination from the company.

In a recent announcement, the Vodacom subsidiary Nexio disclosed that its CEO Mickey Mashale has announced her resignation.

My experience in the last decade, as part of the Vodacom and Vodafone groups, has been nothing short of transformational. As difficult as the decision was to make, I look forward to the next chapter and appreciate the confidence shown in my abilities by Vodacom and Nexio.

I leave highly confident of the foundation that has been laid down and the strong team that will take the organisation forward. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the teams I worked with across Nexio, Vodacom and Vodafone, as well as our partners and customers, and would like to assure them they’re in good hands.

Mickey Mashale, Ex-CEO, Nexio

I would like to thank Mickey for her great contribution to Nexio and Vodacom over the past decade and wish her success with her future endeavours.

In her time at Nexio, she led the transformation of the organisation into a digital managed service provider beyond its former infrastructure and data management roots. Mickey leaves behind a strong strategy that remains fully endorsed by the board.

William Mzimba, Chairman of the Nexio board and Chief Officer, Vodacom Business

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