Safaricom Launches a $100 M Data Center in Ethiopia

In an effort to create a solid footprint in Ethiopia, Safaricom is now launching a $100 M Data Center in Addis Ababa.

Ahead of launching its operations in Ethiopia Safaricom has announced that they are now deploying a data center in the country’s capital Addis Ababa.

“At such a monumental time where we are building our network, we are committed to bringing the best telecom technology to Ethiopia. We have invested 100 Million USD in our first Data Center in Addis.”

Excerpt from Safaricom Ethipia’s LinkedIn Post

“The facility ‘started off in China’ and was built there over a number of weeks before being delivered to the capital via boat. We need a number of data centers across Ethiopia to be able to cover the whole territory. First we will expand to Adama, then Dira Dawa, and then further out.”

Pedro Rabacal, Chief Technology Officer, Safaricom Ethiopia

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